(max. 6 guests)
Minimum consumption: CHF 300.00
(max. 8 guests)
Minimum consumption: CHF 400.00
(max. 12 guests)
Minimum consumption: CHF 600.00
Please contact us directly for any
lounge requests over 12 guests.
The entrance fee to X-TRA is not included
in the cost of your lounge package and must
be paid upon entrance.
All our lounge reservations require
a minimum of 50% female attendace.
In the event that one of the above items is not complied with at the time of arrival, X-TRA reserves the right to assign the lounge otherwise. Lounge cancellations must be made at least 24 hours before the date, the lounge has been reserved for. Please note that lounge reservations are valid up to 30 minutes after the stated arrival time. Thereafter, if we are unable to contact you by phone, the lounge will be assigned otherwise. ID requirements and our general addmission rules still apply.
Reserve your lounge for "Die ultimtative 2000er Party" here
Reserve your lounge for "Die ultimtative 90er Party" here
Reserve your lounge for "Lollipop Party" here